PEMF Therapy

PEMF Therapy utilizes soothing Pulsed Electromagnetic Fiels to stimulate and exercise the body's cells. Opitimize wellness non-invasively. PEMF generates energy at the cellular level without medically invasive procedures. This amplification of natural energy encourages the body to function more effectively for overall wellness. Enhance the body's natural recovery process. PEMF capitalizes on the body's intelligence and incredible self-healing capabilities, encouraging the cells with natural energy to better perform their many fuctions. Assist with muscle fatigue and discomfort after exercise. Complement any training program. Support general relaxation. PEMF is a soothing and restorative modality. Experience more energy, naturally. The body's holistic nature uses PEMF as a catalyst for full-body energy. Amplify athletic performance. Harness the power of natural energy to supplement training and performance goals.
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PEMF - The Fifth Element of Health - Kindle eBook

Dolphin MPS

The Dolphin Neurostim is the world’s first hybrid device specifically designed for the treatment of chronic/acute soft tissue pain. The Dolphin is not only safe, but very easy to use. It applies brief, concentrated microcurrent impulses to specific treatment points that naturally reduces nervous system STRESS and cortisol, relaxing muscle tone and releasing the body’s natural pain killers, endorphins. This multi-pronged effect on the body’s nervous, muscular and endocrine systems is the reason why the Dolphin Neurostim works so fast and effectively with many chronic pain conditions. Dolphin was born out of neurology endorphin research of the 1980’s, which was the first time science recognized how special types of DC electro currents can positively influence the human body. Direct Current (DC-used in MPS) flows in one direction, is found in nature and “runs” your heart and nervous system. Alternating Current (AC) has a back and forth flow of current, and powers most of our household appliances and traditional TENS (Transcutaneous Electro Nerve Stimulator) devices. AC stimulation is man-made and is not found in nature.

Dolphin VNS

The Parasympathetic nervous system (PNS) consists of the nerves and ganglia outside the brain and spinal cord. PNS is part of the involuntary nervous system that serves to slow the heart rate, increase intestinal and glandular activity, and relax the sphincter muscles. The parasympathetic nervous system, together with the sympathetic nervous system, constitutes the autonomic nervous system. PNS allows the body to function in a “rest and digest” state. Consequently, when the parasympathetic system dominates the body, there are increases in salivation and activities in digestion, while heart rate and other sympathetic response decrease. This healing part of our autonomic nervous system and the “breaks” of the body. Dolphin Vagal Nerve Stimulation has been proven in science to activate the parasympathetic system, which reduces lung inflammation, and pro-inflammatory cytokines to improve respiratory dysfunction. Dolphin VNS is a safe clinical procedure and could be an effective treatment for stress reduction & vagal tone enhancement. Learn more about vagus nerve stimulation at

Dolphin SRT

Often, scars result in a tightening of the surrounding tissue that can restrict movement or function in the body. These restrictions not only affect the joint, limb or surrounding area, but they can affect the underlying organs, too. This is because scar tissue has the potential to spread in any direction, including internally, throughout the body. Fortunately, releasing the scar can yield powerful results, which can improve mobility, diminish complications and decrease pain often associated with deep scars. MPS (Microcurrent Point Stimulation) is the method used to release scars and is especially effective in treating large, deep, painful scars. The term ‘release’ refers to the releasing or relaxing of contracted and tightened tissue. Coupled with manual release work (a specialized type of massage), MPS Scar/Adhesion Release Therapy significantly reduces the restrictions of scar tissue. The use of the microcurrent probes, on the tissue surrounding the scar, creates a healing, inflammatory response. Dead cells and scar tissue are broken down by the body; circulation is increased to the area; and the lymphatic system excretes the dead cells.

Dolphin CSRT

C-Section Scar Release Therapy (SRT) is a scar reduction treatment that is simple and highly effective for reducing the negative influence of scars. Using the latest scientific advances to address both chronic pain and dermal scarring that occurs post-surgery, SRT applies Microcurrent Point stimulation (Mps), a patented solution based on the scientific concept of increasing skin’s inter-cellular metabolism, protein synthesis and healing functioning, to re-awaken the skin’s ability to self generate. SRT is effective for scar reduction helping to reduce shape and size! C-Section is one of the top surgery scars performed, with 1.3 million performed each year in USA. But did you know they can cause a great deal of health problems? It is well known in science that C-Section scar impact the body in negative ways. They restrict or bind the fascia, muscles, nerves, bones, organs and systems. They produce a straitjacket like effect throughout the entire body structure!They block the movement of circulation and energy which can interfere with health and wellness. Scars cause sympathetic nervous system up-regulation and acts as stress agonists, creating an environment for sickness and pain. All this leads to pain & disease.

Orthopedic Massage

Orthopedic Massage uses a combination of advanced massage therapy skills. These include but are not limited to: Therapeudic Functional Assessement, Heating of Tissues, Myofascial Release, Trigger Point Therapy, Cross Fiber and Multidirectional Friction, Pain Free Movement, Realignment of Scar Tissue, Pain Free Stretching, & Pain Free Strengthening. Who Can Benefit From Orthopedic Massage? Professional Athletes. Weekend Athletes. Chronic Pain Suffers. People who want to improve their posture. People who want to prevent injuries People who want to improve their game. Motor Vehicle or any accidents. Everyone can benefit! Injuries that can benefit from Orthopedic Massage: Chronic Low Back Injuries, SI joint dysfunction, Sciatica, Strains, Sprains, Numbness and/or Tingling Lower Body Injuries: Hamstring Strains, Patellar tendinitis, Meniscus tears, Iliotibial Band Friction Syndrome, Lateral Shin Splints, Medial Shin Splints, Ankle Sprains, Patellar Tendinitis, Chondromalacia, Achilles Tendinitis, Plantar Fascitis, Anterior Compartment Syndrome, Bunions, and Hammer Toes. Upper Body Injuries: Whiplash, Compressed Disks, Strains, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Numbness and/or Tingling, Medial and Lateral Epicondylitis (Tennis Elbow or Golfer's Elbow), and Arthritis.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue Massage is designed to relieve severe tension in the muscle and the connective tissue or fascia. This type of massage focuses on the muscles located below the surface of the top muscles. Deep tissue massage is often recommended for individuals who experience consistent pain, are involved in heavy physical activity, such as athletes, and patients who have sustained physical injury. It is also not uncommon for receivers of Deep Tissue Massage to have their pain replaced with a new muscle ache for a day or two. Deep tissue work varies greatly. What one calls deep tissue another will call light. When receiving deep tissue work it is important to communicate what you are feeling. [Content obtained from]

Sports Massage

Sports Massage is actually a form of Swedish massage that is delivered to athletes. Most commonly, sports massage focuses on increasing blood and lymphatic fluid flow, reducing and eliminating pain as well as tender trigger points, and increasing range of motion of the affected area. Sports massages can be broken into 4 distinct types - the pre-event sports massage, the post-event sports massage, the restorative sports massage and the rehabilitative sports massage. As the names indicate, each type of sports massage has a different focus for the athlete as they are delivered at different times during their training and performance schedule. [Content obtained from]

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